Below you can find some more personal writing and thoughts I thought I’d share. You might still consider them projects/side-projects but the focus is on education and learning rather than creating something production-ready or making a larger, novel scientific contribution.
OpenGL Shaders
Explaining briefly what shaders are and then moving on to writing two simple ones in GLSL. The first one similar to a lava lamp and the second one a little mountain range under a blue sky with a distance fog. Turns out, shaders are like painting directly with mathematics.
Neural Network Accelerators (2024)
An short overview of mostly commercial AI hardware. A rough comparison of ASICs, FPGAs, GPUs, and looking at compute requirements and energy consumption. I end this post with the realization that we need to take a first-principles physics approach to narrow down what future AI accelerator designs will have to look like because the market is complex and largely driven by momentum.
Dubins Paths for Waveguide Routing
What does the perfect waveguide routing look like? Dubins paths, already well known in robotics and control theory, turn out to be a simple and highly practical solution. This post notes a few useful recources and explains what the advantages of Dubins paths are compared to other waveguide interconnects that are often used.
sticky_note_2 Used daily for better, quicker, and easier routing.